SSL is stands for Secure Sockets Layer. This is a standard security technology protocol developed for sending sensitive data (Credit card numbers, social insurance numbers, login credentials) securely over the internet. This encrypted link establishes between the server where you host your website, and browser (Firefox, Edge, Chrome, Safari) which your clients are using for surfing your website. This encryption could also be established between a mail server and a mail client (Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird).
With SSL, text or numbers will not be send as plain text, but it will be encrypted in a unique method. For example, a credit card number “1234 4567 6789 8900” when encrypted in a MD5 encryption will give “e0530f1f9c028e058811c7b783244664“. But this MD5 encryption can be decrypted easily. The SSL encryption is very stronger and cannot be easily undergone for decryption.
Standard SSL (1-Site)
Protect 1 site.
- Domain validation
- SHA-2 & 2048-bit encryption.
- Boost SEO rankings
- Fast issuance in 5min
- Display HTTPS & padlock
- Security trust seal
- Support unlimited servers
- Free unlimited reissues
- $100,000 USD warranty
Standard SSL (5-Site)
Protect 5 sites.
- Domain validation
- SHA-2 & 2048-bit encryption.
- Boost SEO rankings
- Fast issuance in 5min
- Display HTTPS & padlock
- Security trust seal
- Support unlimited servers
- Free unlimited reissues
- $100,000 USD warranty
Premium SSL (1-Site)
Protect 1 site.
- Extended validation
- SHA-2 & 2048-bit encryption.
- Boost SEO rankings
- Display HTTPS & padlock
- Green address bar
- Security trust seal
- Support unlimited servers
- Free unlimited reissues
- $1,000,000 USD warranty
Standard SSL (Wildcard)
Protect unlimited sub-domains.
- Domain validation
- SHA-2 & 2048-bit encryption.
- Boost SEO rankings
- Fast issuance in 5min
- Display HTTPS & padlock
- Security trust seal
- Support unlimited servers
- Free unlimited reissues
- $100,000 USD warranty
About Our SSLs
- One SSL covers unlimited servers
- Work with all major browsers
- Cost up to 90% less
- Backed by industry-best 24/7 support
- Among the first to feature green browser bar
An SSL certificate contains the following information:
- The certificate holder’s name
- The certificate’s serial number and expiration date
- A copy of the certificate holder’s public key
- The digital signature of the certificate-issuing authority